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Shannon Algiere of Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture

Our next @realfarmercare recipient - Shannon Algiere @shannonalgiere of Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture @stonebarns in Pocantico Hills, NY.

She writes, “I’m cofounder of the farm at Stone Barns Center for Food and Ag, alongside my husband Jack. I’ve worn many hats through the years as a farm manager and grower for a non-profit center. Once I became a mother, I began building a cut flower and herb enterprise on the farm answering to a niche within the wheel of our whole farm planning that resonated with my skills and service. In 2017, after 25 years in the agricultural field as a grower and educator, I transitioned into a mid-life career shift as Farm Liaison, partnering with our center’s farm and program staff to oversee farmer training mentorship, facilitation and curriculum design. The balance and celebration of soil and social fertility is an intention I continue to explore in my field.” #realfarmercare#stonebarns


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