Our 58th @realfarmercare recipient - Reyna Banteah of Ts’uyya Farm @tsuyyafarm in Albuquerque, NM.
Reyna writes, “My name is Reyna and I grew up in Zuni, New Mexico and this will be my fourth season farming. I started Ts'uyya Farm in 2017, which means hummingbird in my native language, with a farmer training and business acceleration program. I am currently a third year incubator and I lease a quarter acre plot in Albuquerque, NM. I knew I would be involved in agriculture in some way when I was in high school but I didn't start my farm career until I was in my early 30's. Ts’uyya Farm finds opportunities to connect others with knowledge of farming, seed saving, cooking and processing of foods, especially engaging youth and emerging young farmers. I have been focusing on incorporating various sustainable farming methods for my community, and growing and saving heirloom seeds. My main challenge as a farmer is finding the time to get all my ducks in a row so that by the time my incubator phase is over, I will be able to find the capital needed to keep my farm going. I look forward to working more with my Zuni community to start re-invisioning how we can return to being land based people.
My idea of self-care is taking a weekend off to go camping with my partner, hitting the water with our paddle boards and stopping at the local hot springs to get a good healing soak.”