The 343rd recipient is Mekala Bertocci of Stout Oak Farm @stoutoakfarm in Brentwood, NH. Mekala writes:

What self-care and well-being mean to me as a farmer: “As a farmer committed to providing my community with fresh, nutrient-dense, nourishing veggies, it feels ironic to admit that I often struggle, especially during the peak growing season, to feed myself well during the day or commit time and energy into cooking a meal using our veggies. With this in mind, self-care means prioritizing my own health and making space for cooking and enjoying the veggies I work so hard to provide for others.”
How I might use this $100 self-care award: “I thought it would be fun to take a canning/preserving class through MOFGA or NOFA-NH to give me some practical skills when it comes to interacting with fresh veggies and preserving the fruits of my labor!”
Most important self-care needs that contribute to my well-being as a farmer: “Things that come to mind: more potluck-style gatherings among farmers in the area and even with members of the stout oak team; not sacrificing my own health and well-being for the good of the farm; and mindfulness around making sure I feel fueled and hydrated throughout the day.”