The 201st recipients are Gus Griffin & Mollie Podmore of Glinnis Hill Farm @glinnishillfarm in Northfield, VT.
Gus & Mollie write, “Before starting Glinnis Hill Farm, we both spent time working on other farms, and a pattern emerged. We were tired of growing vegetables that were available only to upper class customers. Organic farms have done a great job of changing the paradigm about what good food means and carving out a viable career. However, we think that small scale farmers can take this one step further, creating good food access to the whole community This is why we started Glinnis Hill farm. We offer a sliding scale CSA and currently raise funds through grants and concerts to offer CSA shares to folks using the food pantry at no cost. We have not figured out how to make this entirely sustainable yet, but we are on the path. As we try to give more to the community, they also give so much more back to us. This is the cycle that truly defines care and mutual aid.”