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Grace Lemley + Griffin Lehman of Dear Table Farm

The 165th recipients are Grace Lemley + Griffin Lehman of Dear Table Farm @deartablefarm in Skagit Valley, WA. They write, “We are first year farmers with big dreams! We met working at a tech startup, both of us having a background + love for gardening, plants + food. We participated in a farming program that allowed us to really get our hands and hearts twisted around the idea that this is something we wanted to do, like really do. Upon finishing the practicum, we formulated a business plan and the games have begun! We are leasing a little over an acre and will be growing for a 40 member CSA, selling at local farmers markets + experimenting in selling to a wholesale flower market in Seattle.

Community is everything to us. We could not do this without the support and encouragement of other farmers in our area, our friends + family who cheer us on with enthusiasm (and weeding help!). It's our motivation to feed our community, and to help teach folks where their food comes from. It's our hope to encourage a farmer/consumer driven relationship centered around gratitude for the food we eat and the ways it's grown.

We haven't stopped moving since last year when we started dreaming up this Farm, and now that we are in the thick of Spring, it's apparent to us that self care is something we have to prioritize. It's easy to keep working without a break, or lunch, because the list of things to do, move + build are ever growing. We want to do this for the long haul, and making sure that our mental + physical health are happy is important. Before our season really kicks off, we are brainstorming strategies + ways to ensure healthy habits.

Our favorite form of self care is either cooking an incredible meal with local ingredients, or going out to enjoy a meal together from somewhere that supports purchasing from farmers and uses really quality ingredients. Food is our love language and we are thrilled to be so intimately involved.”


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