The 226th recipients are Christine & Fabio Ritmo of Nimble Roots Farm @nimblerootsfarm in Catskill, NY.
They write, “We began farming as a way to combine our passions for environmental action, community-building, caring for animals, and really good, nutrient-dense food. Pursuing those shared interests led us to an apprenticeship on a production farm in northern NY where we fell head-over-heels for small-scale organic vegetable growing. For us, farming isn’t just about growing food — it is a powerful, unifying vehicle through which we can help to repair environmental damage, contribute to a resilient local food system, and foster healthy and equitable communities.
Three weeks ago, when we had a burglary and arson event in our home and on our farm, our community members showed up for us in astounding ways. Family arrived to repair the damage done to our home, friends brought over meals, CSA members showed up to pull weeds. In under a week, over $15k was raised for us to repair the damage done and cover our losses. When we stumbled, the community that we have worked so hard to nourish helped us get back on our feet. It is humbling to be on the receiving end of so much kindness and generosity. Through this we have realized that self and community care are one and the same for us. We are dividing the money raised in three ways: first, to cover our damages and losses; second, towards the purchase of a BCS to take better care of our physical bodies and so that we can grow more food for the people who have and continue to support us; and three, towards the creation of an emergency Farmer Relief Fund for Greene County farmers.”