The 346th recipient is Celestine Bennett of Gifted Hands Farm @gifted_hands_farm in Greensboro, NC. Celestine writes:

What self-care and well-being mean to me as a farmer: “Self-care for me in farming would include being able to curl up on the couch during the off season and read farm books on No-Till regeneration and writing my plans down in a brand new journal for the upcoming year. This to me is very relaxing and feels like self-care.”
How I might use this $100 self-care award: “I would increase my library with books that increase my knowledge in my craft of farming. These include Growing Great Vegetables in NC by Ira Wallace, and other No Till books as well. I love a good book!”
Most important self-care needs that contribute to my well-being as a farmer: “Quiet time to reflect on a busy season - having the time to think on how things can get better. What I worried about and what didn't work at the farm.”